Our Story
At Firme Estillo, we believe in inspiring and giving back to families and care takers affected by disability. We believe in empowing the support people who make it all happen for their loved ones, making their lives just a little more seamless so that they can continue to give their all.
Inspiring one support person at a time
Firme Estillo was founded by it’s owner, Marla Nicole, in (2017). Marla was a single mother making it all happen for her son. Her journey began when she was just a teenager. Finding out that her first son was on the way as just a sophomore in high school, she pushed herself through school and joined the Teenage Parent Program where she kept her grades up in exchange for rides to school and the pediatrician for her son, who she brought to school in his carseat on the bus every day, making sure that both of their futures would remain secured. Miss Marla is a firm believer in keeping it movin’ regardless of partner involvement and being the strength your kids need.
Miss Marla re-married in 2006 and gave birth to her second son, DJ. In (2015), DJ was diagnosed with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with Asburger’s and identified as being on the Autism Spectrum.
Even though she now was in a healthy supportive partnership, Marla remained true to all she knew and continued to be a self-proclaimed workaholic. The 9-5 lifestyle and her 2-3 steady jobs were very secure, but kept her in her comfort zone. Her direction changed when she grew in awareness that she was denying opportunities for herself. The price she had always payed to secure her future and the future of her kids was affecting her ability to “be there” enough. While her only way out, becoming her own boss and venturing out, scared her. The only thing standing in the way of her ideal life was fear, causing her to lack confidence in herself.
But one day, she decided to push herself. Things got real for her in November of 2020. This was around DJ’s 14th birthday, and also when DJ became 100% wheelchair bound. She realized that you can’t wait on anyone. It’s about what people do with their circumstances, and she wanted it all. Time with her boys as well as a future they could all rely on.
Now Miss Marla runs a successful business from which she encourages and supports women, mothers and caretakers who are doing it on their own, and for their sons and daughters. She empowers them to become confident and reach their goals and highest potential as they push past their fears.
Your support of this business helps with DJ’s care and supports many mothers, women and caregivers across the globe. Grow with us in style as we work to encourage and uplift mamas and caregivers in our communities and beyond!
“We believe in empowering and inspiring other mothers, hard workers, go-getters, and the support people who stay strong for their children.”
— Miss Marla